Peace Arnold, is a NYS licensed Massage Therapist and ordained Interfaith Minister and Marriage Officiant registered with NYC and New York State, has been a practitioner of the Healing Arts since 1991. She began her studies of herbal medicine with Susun Weed in The Spirit and Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition.  She then went on to train as a Yoga Therapist of the Bateman Method in NYC with Alan Bateman.

Soon after starting her yoga practice Peace attended The New York College of Heath Professions where she trained as a Massage Therapist and continued on to take advanced training in AMMA Therapy, an ancient Asian therapeutic healing art form.

From 1998 to 2001 Peace traveled with Robert McNary, MD, to metaphysical fairs and bookstore across the US giving demonstrating how to use simple symbols for insight and intuitive development.

Returning to NYC in 2001, Peace joined Gary Thomas, MD at Comprehensive Pain Management a private medical practice and affiliate of two NYC hospitals.

In 2003, Peace was ordained as an Interfaith Minister by Diane Berke through One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. In 2005 Peace began her exploration of Rebirthing Breathwork with Sondra Ray and continues her work in this field with Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing Breathwork and the International Rebirthing  Breathwork Movement.