Contact Peace at [email protected]

Virginia Peace Arnold is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist offering:

  • Private sessions in Grief Recover Method – a series of 7 classes
  • Grief Recovery Method Group Support Group.  – a series of 8 classes

The Grief Recover Method is operated under the format established by the Grief Recovery Institute. These programs are designed to assist people in completing the pain caused by loss. Society recognizes at least 40 different types of  life experiences that produce feelings of grief. The Grief Recovery Institute expands that list to include experiences of loss that are less concrete and more difficult to measure. Loss of trust, loss of safety, loss of  control; these less tangible losses tend to be hidden and do not surface until later in life until we end up walking around feeling as if we are carrying that emotional pan around with us.

If you are interested in scheduling a private series or joining an upcoming group series being formed, Contact Peace at [email protected] or  call or text  917-579-1449 and I will get back to you as soon as possible.